Idhayam serial an Indian Tamil-language drama television series that airs from 28 August 2023 onwards on Zee Tamil and streams digitally on Zee5. It stars Janani Ashok Kumar as Bharathi, Richard Jose as Aadhi in lead roles.

Serial NameIdhayam
Channel NameZee Tamil
Release DateAugust 28, 2023
TimeMonday-Friday 1:30 PM

Cast of Idhayam Serial

List of the actors and actresses who appears in the serial Idhayam of Zee Tamil

Janani Ashok Kumar as Bharathi

Janani Ashok Kumar
Richard Jose as Aadhi

Richard Jose
Sankavi Rajendran as Shwetha

Sankavi Rajendran
Sasilaya as Bhavani

Sujatha Panju as Saradha

Sujatha Panju

Dheshika Jagannathan as Dhanam

Dheshika Jagannathan

Story/Plot of Idhayam Serial

Aadhi, the sole heir of Saradha, has battled a heart ailment since youth, necessitating a life-saving heart transplant. On his wedding day, he succumbs to a heart attack and is swiftly rushed to the hospital. Through a stroke of luck, he survives the ordeal following a successful transplant surgery, receiving the heart of Vasu, a middle-class man and Bharathi’s husband, who tragically became brain dead due to a motorcycle accident. With this second chance at life, Aadhi experiences a profound transformation, his once hardened heart softening and his eyes brimming with tears whenever he encounters Bharathi and her daughter Tamizh. Unbeknownst to him, he gradually develops feelings for Bharathi, setting the stage for the unfolding chapters of their intertwined lives.

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