Mithijhora serial is a 2023 Indian Bengali Drama television series that released on 27 November 2023 on Zee Bangla and and streams digitally on Zee5. It stars Aratrika Maity, Saptarshi Roy and Debadrita Basu in lead roles.

Serial NameMithijhora
Channel NameZee Bangla
Release DateNovember 27, 2023

Mithijhora Serial Cast

List of the actors and actresses who appears in the Zee Bangla serial Mithijhora

Aratrika Maity as Raipurna aka Rai
Aratrika Maity
Saptarshi Roy as Sourya
Saptarshi Roy

Debadrita Basu as Nilanjana aka Nilu
Debadrita Basu
Swapnila Chakrabarty as Tilottama
Swapnila chakraborty

Poushmita Goswami as Nandita
Poushmita Goswami
Aniruddha Gupta as Vikram
Aniruddha Gupta
Puja Banik as Mishti
Puja Banik
Tramila Bhattacharya as Suchismita
Tramila Bhattacharya

Plot/Story of MithiJhora

Raipurna, Nilanjana, and Tilattoma are all sisters. They love each other deeply. Vikram, their oldest brother, is physically disabled. As a result, their father, Kingshuk, is the only one who works. Raipurna adores Sourya. So they would marry. But on the day of their wedding, Kingshuk dies. To assume responsibility for her family in these conditions, she secretly marries Nilanjana and Sourya. As a result, everyone misinterprets Raipurna.

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